Wednesday Round Up

Happy Travels!

The last week has started to feel like real progress.

The product has got underway and the website is getting close to being published but it does still feel like there is a long way to go.

I suspect it is still really unclear to you what we intend to do…..

At this stage it is hard to go into too much detail as it is a new idea and we do want to do our best to make sure that it is a useful offering for you, before giving a competitor the chance to get in there ahead of us.

Ultimately we want to make travelling around with your dog as easy as possible, you don’t need to take them everywhere with you but if you leave the poor pup all week while you are at work, then being able to take them on adventures at the weekend is only fair!

There are times when you just need to have your hands free of the lead to get a few things done, that is the solution we are looking to find, as a result, we will be looking to ask you some questions to get your feedback on what will work for you – that way we take all sorts of situations into account.

In the coming weeks we will be following up with how you can help and some little rewards along the way to thank you for your input…..